International Social Responsibility
While studying at GIA and completing her Graduate Diamonds course in New York, West struck up a conversation with her driver, a native of Sierra Leone. The two formed an instant connection after she revealed her chosen career path as a jeweler, and he disclosed that his brother-in-law was a diamond miner in his home country.
However, West was disturbed to learn about the harsh conditions in which the man and his fellow miners were working. She was able to view photos and videos of the men, laboring in the hot sun, digging in mud pits for rough diamonds. Perhaps even more disturbing was the fact that these miners earned less than $2 a day or, in some cases, received food or medicine as their sole compensation. West learned that children often abandoned their education to work in the mines in order to support their families.
Unable to forget these harrowing stories, West was determined to give back by supporting underserved mining communities. Starting in October 2022, Calista West will donate a percentage from every engagement ring sale, which will support the work of trusted nonprofit partners.
To all clients, thank you for joining us in our mission to give back and maintain social responsibility within the diamond industry and beyond.

International Day of the Girl
October 11, 2022
On the International Day of the Girl, Calista West has chosen to sponsor 200 girls and 200 boys in Sierra Leone through Uman Tok, with a special focus on supporting access to essential feminine products and education.
To learn more about Uman Tok and how they are helping the Sierra Leone youth, visit their website. To join Calista West in this effort, donate to the cause below.